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Create the Ghosh-inverse from the output coefficients.


ghosh_inverse_create(output_coefficients_matrix, digits = NULL)



A technology coefficient matrix created by the output_coefficient_matrix_create.


An integer showing the precision of the technology matrix in digits. Default is NULL when no rounding is applied.


The Ghosh-inverse is $$G = (I-B)^-1$$ where B is the output coefficient matrix created by output_coefficient_matrix_create. See the United Nations Handbook on Supply and Use Tables and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications pp 622–639.

For the similar inverse created from input coefficients, see the leontief_inverse_create function.

See also

Other analytic object functions: input_flow_get(), leontief_inverse_create(), leontief_matrix_create()


om <- output_coefficient_matrix_create( 
  data_table = iotable_get()
ghosh_inverse_create( output_coefficients_matrix = om )
#>              iotables_row agriculture_group industry_group construction
#> 1       agriculture_group       1.033872798     0.86116467   0.05605892
#> 2          industry_group       0.011782944     1.42917800   0.09013694
#> 3            construction       0.003700754     0.08389383   1.02893808
#> 4             trade_group       0.010318967     0.24265216   0.04839848
#> 5 business_services_group       0.011680549     0.32284302   0.08879096
#> 6    other_services_group       0.004271007     0.06261891   0.01050767
#>   trade_group business_services_group other_services_group
#> 1  0.06255558              0.04771125           0.05126741
#> 2  0.07103604              0.03825762           0.05061124
#> 3  0.04635583              0.14107965           0.05179948
#> 4  1.17840037              0.04560652           0.05948028
#> 5  0.17460288              1.41256213           0.09323763
#> 6  0.03512252              0.04657745           1.05149484